Direct Billing
Below is a list of the companies we are able to offer direct billing for.
Not all companies shown allow direct billing and are subject to individual insurance policy details.
Some insurance companies also require a doctors referral or for you to pay a deductible. We do recommend contacting your company directly to inquire about coverage details prior to making an appointment. We do not direct bill for walk in Tapping appointments, Reiki services, MVA or WSIB.
Now offering Direct Billing for Osteopathy to select insurance carriers marked below ***
Canada Life ***
Canada Life PSHCP
Greenshield ***
Empire Life
AGA Financial Group Inc
Blue Cross
Beneva Inc
BPA - Benefit Plan Administrators
Canadian Construction Workers Union
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance
Claim Secure
Claim Exchange
Coughlin & Associates LTD
D.A. Townley
Dejardins Insurance
Equitable Life of Canada
First Canadian
GMS Carrier 49
GMS Carrier 50
Group Health
Group Source
Industrial Alliance
Johnson Inc
Johnson Group Inc
LiUNA Local 183
LiUNA Local 506
MDM Insurance
Manulife Financial (OTIP)
Maximum Benefit
People Corporation
RWAM Insurance Administrators
Simply Benefits
Telus Adjudicare
Union Benefits
UV Insurance
It is important to note that not all insurance plans cover 100% of the treatment cost and you may incure an out of pocket charge. On the rare occasion that the insurance portal may be offline, and or under maintence, we may be unable to submit your claim. We will require the full payment out of pocket and issue you a receipt for you to submit.